What are weapons with distinctive/iconic looks that can stand out from each other?.308, were also easy to use in multiple weapons. Western-style weapons make some of that easy since a lot of revolvers and lever-action rifles used the same rimmed ammo types. There are only a few weapons that use an ammo type that isn’t used elsewhere. What weapons share common ammunition types to avoid resource/loot problems?.That’s why you can use revolvers and lever action rifles from the first two hours (.357 Revolver and Cowboy Repeater) through the Battle of Hoover Dam (Hunting Revolver and Brush Gun). Supporting those concepts throughout the game necessitated an array of thematically appropriate equipment options that was available from the beginning and allowed for power growth through the end game.

We can’t account for every type of character a player might imagine, but we knew a lot of people would want to be a) Mad Max b) post-apocalyptic cowboy/cowgirl c) wacky bazinga science person d) agro military operator e) sneakthief stealth murderer. What are players’ role-playing expectations within this setting and what weapons will help the expression of those roles?.In my mind, the 10mm pistol and SMG had to return, as did the minigun, sawed-off shotgun, flamer, and a few other choice weapon. What are iconic Fallout weapons that should return?.There were a few questions I asked for deciding what would get included and what would not: Weapons are reloaded at the same time in sequence, one bullet at a time and their extra ammo pools are added up.“ The process was iterative and went through a lot of revisions. Dual-wielding accuracy only benefits minimally from crouching (just like with Fanning and Levering Traits). Effective rate of fire is increased, but still lower than the rapid burst from a single-action revolver using fanning.ĪDS will only apply a slight zoom, with the guns moving a bit closer to the center of the screen, the Ironsights won't be used at all, reducing range drastically over other weapons. Recoil is increased over single-handed handguns, making it harder to stay on target (esp. Hunters can either go for a steady, constant fire-rate or try faster two-taps with longer breaks in-between shots. The rhythm is dictated by the shooter, allowing players to experiment. Weapons have to be fired in sequence one after the other. You are committed to use them as pairs until extraction.Upon looting a dead Hunter, you can pick up their dual-wield sets just like you would any other medium-sized weapons. Once in the mission an equipped weapon pairs can not be broken up. It is possible to mix normal and Legendary versions of the same type as matched pairs.ĭual Wielding is available from Rank 1 and does not require any unlocks via Traits. A second handgun of the same type can now be added to the same weapon slot which will then converted to a medium slot when the second pistol gets equipped. Heavy Melee Damage: True damage value of a charged heavy melee attack that hits a Hunter in the Upper-Torso.Įvery Handgun can be equipped for dual-wield as a "matched pair".Melee Damage: True damage value of a regular melee attack that hits a Hunter in the Upper-Torso.Heavier projectiles ( such as crossbow bolts) also travel in a ballistic arc. Muzzle Velocity: The velocity (meters per second) which the fired bullet will travel at.Reload Speed: The time (in seconds) it takes to fully reload the weapon when empty, disregarding any special behaviors such as clip reloading.The higher the percentage, the better the weapon handles. For melee weapons, this takes in account stamina consumption, reach and angle of the swing arc instead. Handling: An abstract rating of effectiveness taking into account weapon sway, recoil and bullet spread.Rate of Fire: How many shots can be fired per minute, taking into account shot preparation without any other delay in-between (such as reloading).Some very powerful weapons will also kill with one hit to the Torso. Effective Range: The range (in meters) that weapons will kill a Hunter in one hit, usually a headshot.Damage: True damage value of a shot that hits a Hunter in the Upper-Torso at 10 meters.